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Overseas Naga Bursaries

Overseas Naga Bursaries

The KET is delighted to announce that we are launching a new initiative offering bursaries to young Naga students living and studying outside of India. 

Starting in 2025 we are inviting applications for a bursary which will offer financial assistance to tertiary level students of recent Naga heritage who are resident outside India, with a focus on those studying in the UK. The bursary support will prioritise STEM subjects and professional qualifications in the trades and services sectors.

Each bursary will be worth a total of £3,750 and will be paid to the successful applicant on a prorated basis across the terms or semesters of the course. It will not be paid in a lump sum. 

If you are interested in applying, please complete the form below before 31st March 2025. After the closing date, we will be in touch regarding the interview process which will be conducted on-line.

All successful applicants will receive notification by the end of June 2025.

The decision of who will receive a bursary will be made by the Kohima Educational Trust board of Trustees and will be final. 



Application Form:



Date of birth
Mobile phone
Are you a permanent UK resident?

If 'no’, where are you permanently resident?
Name of parent or grandparent who is a Naga
Name of parent/grandparent's Naga tribe


Please list your Educational Achievements to date:

A Levels


Tell us about the course you intend to take: Tertiary level, course name academic institution, start date, length of course (years)

Tell us in no more than 300 words why you have selected this course

Please tell us about your course status
What is your long term goal? Please let us know in 200-500 words what you intend to do when you complete the course

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Kohima Service York 2025
This year's event will be on Thursday 26th June 2025
The Kohima Museum
Located at Imphal Barracks, York
The Kohima Museum Regimental Collection Digital Archive

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